The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Die Selektion & Gischt

German band, Die Skeleton @ Rhiz

Die Selektion & Gischt

When: THU, August 31, 9pm–3am
Where: Rhiz
Entry: tba

The young German trio, Die Selektion, are back after their first release in 2011 with a new album “Deine Stimme Ist Der Ursprung Jeglicher Gewalt”. Their synth, fast beats sound combined with saxophone caused a lot of euphoria around the European and Russian scene. They will be kindly supported by the ambient/ techno artist, GISCHT. Check them out this Thursday at Rhiz.



Recommended if you like: young people rocking up the international scene, synth sound with classic instruments, alternative german music, going crazy on Thursdays, dark smoky clubs under the U-bahn

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