The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Die Stille Revolution im Filmcasino – Film & Podiumsgespräch

A cultural afternoon: documentary + discussion

Die Stille Revolution im Filmcasino – Film & Podiumsgespräch

When: SAT, September 8, 1pm–3:30pm Where: Filmcasino Entry: 15€, buy your ticket here In his new documentary, ‘The Silent Revolution‘, Kristian Gründling explores the recent shift in our working culture from resource exploitation to personal development, while questioning the limits of traditional corporate management. The movie’s been praised by critics, even getting the Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards last year for best movie on current events. As if the screening wasn‘t cool enough, they’ll also hold an open discussion on the topic afterwards. Just one detail worth mentioning – it’s all in German! [fve][/fve] Recommended if you like: getting smarter, discussing current events and cultural change, watching insightful documentaries, retro cinemas, being an active member of society, reading rather long books [totop] [tocat]]]>

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