The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Dirtwire at Arena Wien

Swamptronica music from the wild,wild west

Dirtwire at Arena Wien

When: MON, July 29, 8pm–11pm
Where: Arena Wien
Entry: 17€, buy a ticket

If you prefer to throw back your beverages in those saloons with the horses parked outside and the swinging doors that cause the regulars to stare, we may have just the band for you. Dirtwire play the kind of music you might find in such a bar, albeit in a more experimental fashion. They describe their genre as Swamptronica, Spaghetti-step, and Electro-twang, and play instruments such as the electric space fiddle, whamola and and Siberian ghostcatcher mouthbow. So don’t expect any meat-and-potatoes standard Rock songs from these fellas.

Recommended if you like: the tumbleweed that rolls past when you tell a joke, wearing a cowboy hat and those boots with the baked bean tin opener thing on them, musicians that know their shit, grungy locations, bearded men, tattoos, swigging beer and whiskey like there’s no tomorrow

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