The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Disney in Concert – Wonderful Worlds I WIEN

Marvel at all your favourite Disney classics performed live

Disney in Concert – Wonderful Worlds I WIEN

When: SAT, December 22, 7:30pm–10:30pm
Where: Wiener Stadthalle
Entry: 49–82€ available here

Journey into your favourite Disney moments with your ears this Saturday at Stadthalle. With a big band and an all-star line–up of famous Germans we have never heard of in the orchestra, this will definitely be a night to remember. The classic songs being performed live will be accompanied by a big screen showing clips of the films and costumes to boot. Here’s the trailer, below.


Good to know… due to popular demand there will be another performance at 2:30pm on the same day. Tickets, here.

Recommended if you like: Disney, casually knowing all the lyrics to all the Disney songs, somehow knowing ‘Let it snow’ without ever having seen the film, getting all your favourite songs under one roof, Disney means Christmas in your family (or vice versa), getting inspired and going home for an absolute hours-long film session

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