The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

DIY-Workshop: Tafel-Lettering

Up your blackboard penmanship at this workshop

DIY-Workshop: Tafel-Lettering

When: WED, July 1, 6pm-9pm
Where: We Love Handmade
Entry: buy a ticket

The workshop-loving crowd from ‘We love handmade’ will be teaching you much more than tasty recipes and sustainable crafting this summer. Join their workshop in the 3rd district to learn the intricate skills of lettering on blackboards and just exactly how restaurants and shops finesse their blackboard-art. To register for the event, and to read more about what’s in your craft kit of a head, check out their website.

Recommended if you like: designer markets, checking out what creative minds are doing in the city, t-shirts with witty prints on them, artisan food products, chutney, wearing toe rings as nose rings

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