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DJ Fernando Terror (vinyl only) @Polkadot Vienna

Vinyl only DJ set with all the tunes and all sorts of strange

DJ Fernando Terror (vinyl only) @Polkadot Vienna

When: FRI, February 9, 9pm–3am
Where: Polkadot Vienna
Entry: Free

Striking fear into the hearts of bar tenders since the dawn of time, DJ Terror will be doing so once again this Friday at the Polkadot pub. Known for his vinyl-only gigs, and producing the most bizarre and brilliant of R&B, Trash, Garage and R’n’R, he will hit the decks in this funky little venue in the 8th this Friday night.

Recommended if you like: partying in intimate locations that are so intimate you’re wearing other people’s sweat, beer gardens in apartment courtyards, your music played loud, old school RnB

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