Check out this Deutschrap concert from one of the leading artists on the scene
Döll • Wien • Das Werk
When: SUN, December 15, 7pm–11pm
Where: Das WERK
Entry: 19.70€, buy a ticket
Döll is a German-speaking hip-hop musician who once recorded an album with his brother which he called ‘Ich und mein Bruder’ (‘Me and my brother’). He’s now touring with his new album, ‘Nie oder jetzt’ (‘Never or Now’), about which he said “Deutschrap is in dire need of this album, right now,”. And he was right. It debuted at number 11 in the German charts. Due to its overwhelming popularity, he’s doing this additional tour right now, so catch him while you can!
Recommended if you like: Deutschrap, Hip-Hop, thinking about rapping not wrapping in the run up to Christmas, thinking of words that rhyme with ‘bratwurst’, flat-brimmed baseball caps, slowly bouncing up down to the beat with one hand in the air
Sun. 15th Dec