The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Dungeons & Dragons Public Adventures League

Check out this fire event 

Dungeons & Dragons Public Adventures League

When: FRI, January 3, 6.30pm–11.30pm
Where: Maria Theresien Platz
Entry: free, but get a ticket

If you’re into dragons and Pen & Paper games, this little doozie of an event ought to tickle your tastebuds. You could have the time of your life playing Dungeons & Dragons. It doesn’t matter if you’re a pro at D&D or a mere beginner, just grab your friends and let the games begin. The event will take place in the living room of Cafe Zehnsiebzig. Don’t forget to RSVP.

Recommended if you like: dragons, games, Dungeons & Dragons, fun times with your friends, being the competitive one, puzzles, letting out your inner child from time to time 

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