The Edelstoff market is back! We remember our time at the last Edelstoff Designmarkt fondly – we were greedily munching our way through the different street food stands while looking at some damn hip design, art and jewellery. Multitasking is a glorious thing.
We like that even though there’s always a big, young crowd at Edelstoff, it never gets too full, or stressful. The market will also feature the traditional hoard of food trucks to splurge at, while they also have some neat DJ tunes in the background to serve your hedonistic urges.
Sat. 04th May — Sun. 05th May
Recommended if you like:
alternative markets, young designers, filling your wardrobe with unique fashion, quirky prints, enjoying some great food truck food, hip people, to see and be seen, tote bags, tattoos and big hats