This is not your usual opera
Elektra – was ist das für 1 Morgen? von Jacob Suske & Ann Cotten
When: TUE, January 2, 8pm–9:30pm, ongoing
Where: Schauspielhaus
Entry: 20€ (students 10€), buy your ticket here
An electronic chamber opera will be performed at Schauspielhaus, starting in January (be sure to check out the website to see the exact dates). In the mix is a dysfunctional family, entanglements of love and power, and Greek Mythology. Sounds intriguing to us. Buy your ticket here and enjoy the fun. Here’s the trailer for the rather unusual opera:
Recommended if you like: listening to a lot of singing, anything unusual, going to the theater, culture taken out of its natural habitat, wearing a monocle and walking with a cane
Tue. 02nd Jan