The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Elektro Guzzi – CitySounds@Konzerthaus

Techno performed live in a concert hall

Elektro Guzzi – CitySounds@Konzerthaus

When: SAT, October 28, 8pm–11pm
Where: Wiener Konzerthaus
Entry: 22€ (20.40€ for members, both available here)

If we were to be totally honest, we would have to say that this combo is pretty weird. This Saturday, the electro rock outfit, Elektro Guzzi, will be playing in the Concert house. While this may seem fine, to listen to their music we would imagine ourselves somewhere significantly darker, grungier and much later at night, most probably wearing some kind of outrageous hat so our friends can find us when we get lost. Anyway, the Konzerthaus will provide the setting for this explosive Techno/Electro three piece live set.


Recommended if you like: techno music, electronica, your music live and loud, going to the concert house, taking electronic music out of the club, closing your eyes while dancing and being carried away, unique events in unique locations

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