Spend a chilled evening listening to a powerful duo
ELIS NOA “What Do You Desire?”
When: FRI, October 2, 8pm–10pm
Where: Radiokulturhaus
Entry: 17–19€. buy a ticket
This Friday, Radiokulturhaus invites you to listen to some Electronic Pop mixed with RnB and Future Soul tunes by the talented duo, Elis Noa, who will be presenting their debut album. Their songs are raw and feel very personal. Elis Noa is trying to discover what they’re really looking for in life and might also make you ponder the same. Have a listen:
Recommended if you like: music that doesn’t fit into only one genre, music that makes you think, powerful lyrics, the weird sensation of those ‘Who even am I’ thoughts, starring into the mirror and waiting for an answer
Fri. 02nd Oct
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