The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

ERDgespräche 2019

Listen to activists, politicians and other speakers talk about the ‘EARTH’

ERDgespräche 2019

When: WED, October 30, 4:45pm–11pm
Where: Halle E im MQ
Entry: 15€–45€, buy a ticket

ERDgespräche (EARTHtalks), is happening for the 12th time this Wednesday. This event is all about putting the focus on people who are doing good for the planet, and aims to inspire others to do the same. With Van der Bellen, Joanna Sustento (a climate activist), the singer, Yasmo, and many more people hitting the stage, no doubt you’ll be inspired to do better by the earth after this conference. Be quick to buy a ticket, as it’s a popular event among the Viennese peeps. Don’t worry if you couldn’t purchase one, you might get lucky at the box office, with free tickets. For more Infos about the event, check out their website

Recommended if you like: cleaning up the beach, panel talks, Fridays For Future, Greta Thunberg, homemade apple pie, taking the bus, making changes

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