The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Ernst Molden – nimm mich schwester & Dritte Hand

Wienerlieder at the Chelsea

Ernst Molden – nimm mich schwester & Dritte Hand

When: TUE, May 29, 8:30pm–11:30pm
Where: Chelsea
Entry: 12€/14€, buy your ticket here

Austrian Singer-Songwriter, Ernst Molden, has been making Viennese music for a long time now. Fifteen years ago, Molden’s first album, Nimm mich Schwester, was released. This Tuesday, he‘ll be taking it back on stage and play a few of his first golden oldie songs at the Chelsea. This guy has been likened to the liked of Tom Waits and Leonard Cohen in style. He’ll be supported by the Austrian band with the thick dialect, Dritte Hand.

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Recommended if you like: checking out local indie talent, Wienerlied, singer/songwriter music, the sound of a double bass, ever so coolly closing your eyes and listening to the music

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