The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Feier zur Ausstellung “Sharing Stories. Dinge sprechen.”

Stories of ordinary people’s lives as works of art

Feier zur Ausstellung “Sharing Stories. Dinge sprechen.”

When: FRI, November 10, 6pm–9pm
Where: Weltmuseum Wien
Entry: Free (with valid museums ticket 12/9€)

For the last two years, this project has been inviting different people to share their stories from their everyday life, in all its forms. These stories have now been collected and put together into one mega exhibition. With all 150 stories on display in the new museum, we can see this Friday the diversity of everyday stories (some we probably can relate to), as well as celebrate the difference in personal opinions on culture and life – all under one roof of the world museum.

Recommended if you like: thinking outside the box, being outside your comfort zone, getting to know your city, being socially active, storytelling in all its forms, saying things with substance, sharing, diversity, living amongst the ordinary people and seeing them as extraordinary

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