The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Female Founders Meetup #6

Women entrepreneurs connect in the city’s new startup hub

Female Founders Meetup #6

When: WED, November 22, 6pm–9pm
Where: weXelerate
Entry: Free, register here, women only!

Female entrepreneurs and all women wanting to start their own business, will be gathering in numbers in the new startup hub, weXelerate this Wednesday. Marie Boltenstern from Boltenstern brand will be present to answer all of questions about businesses, and being a woman in the business world.
Expect a neat after work atmosphere, plus a bunch of cold drinks to get you in the mood for some business mingling with like-minded women, and of course,  some hardcore networking.

Recommended if you like: networking and talking about business, after work meet-ups, women only events, going home with a bag full of business cards, free drinks, shooting for the moon, talking about stand up meets and sprints, owning a vagina

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