The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Festivaleröffnung! Testreihe Wienerlied

A festival of Viennese creative talent on stage

Festivaleröffnung! Testreihe Wienerlied

When: SAT, April 21, 7pm–12am
Where: WUK
Entry: Free!

Catch some proper Wiener(in) talent! If we are being honest though, Wienerlied can, by definition, be a very loose term. The melting pot of Vienna holds many influences in its pocket, and the stage at this Saturday’s Testreihe Wienerlied festival opening reflects that delightful thing known as the Wiener Melange. With Singers, Poets and all kinds of creatives hitting the stage, this is a prime opportunity to catch the up-and-coming of Vienna’s scene. All of this will be happening in the red brick walls of the WUK.

Recommended if you like: checking out local indie talent, the grungy, industrial setting of the WUK, Singer/Songwriter music, the sound of a double bass, ever so cooly closing your eyes and listening to the music, being a culture vulture, creative festivals

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