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Filmscreening "LA CHANA – Mein Leben: Ein Tanz" (2016)

Flamenco on the big screen

Filmscreening “LA CHANA – Mein Leben: Ein Tanz” (2016)

When: THUR, September 7, 8pm–11pm Where: Kulturraum Neruda Entry: 8€, sign up via The Movie, La Chana, brings the audience into the mind of La Chana, a well known Gypsy flamenco dancer, as she returns to the stage in old age to give her final performance after a 30 year break. This Thursday, you’ll get the chance to lose yourself in dance at the intimate location of Kulturraum Neruda by watching this great Spanish film. Recommended if you like: watching movies, romantic dates, latin culture, trying out flamenco classes on the weekends [totop] [tocat]]]>

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