The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

FLAmenCO im 7*Stern: Flaco de Nerja & Jorge Palomo

Enjoy some live Flamenco music this Saturday

FLAmenCO im 7*Stern: Flaco de Nerja & Jorge Palomo

When: SAT, February 16, 8pm–10pm
Where: 7Stern
Entry: TBA

We’ve been practicing our flamenco dancing in the office for a few months now and we’re happy to report that things are looking far less awkward than they were before. Not great. But, not terrible. Anyway, enough about us… Go enjoy some Flamenco music on Saturday! Check out the music, here:

Flaco de Nerja - guitarra flamenca

Recommended if you like: Flamenco music, wearing bright colors and breathable fabrics, guitar players who sit down while still being bada** rockstars, doing something different this weekend, 7Stern

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