The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Flohmarkt – Nachbar's Schätze

Ditch your local fashion shop and go flea market shopping

Flohmarkt – Nachbar’s Schätze

When: SUN, March 1, 1pm–6pm Where: nachBar Entry: tba Another day, another flea market – this time at the nachBar. This is a great way to spend your Sunday afternoon (AND all your hard-earned cash). You can also sell some of your items yourself. We recommend selling your clothes and then buying new ones. Mix it up a bit, you know! So now, there’s one thing left to say: ‘Let the hunting begin!’ (no animals are harmed by this kind of hunting, we promise). Recommended if you like: being the flea market kind or queen, matching every pattern out there into one outfit, saving money and buying second hand, mixing up your wardrobe with new items, afternoon teas with the girls, the thrill of the flea market hunt [totop] [tocat]]]>

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