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FM4 Indiekiste mit Archive | Arena Wien

Electro Grunge Space Rockers on stage

FM4 Indiekiste mit Archive | Arena Wien

When: FRI, November 17, 7pm–8pm Where: Arena Wien Entry: 29.99€ (available here) With decades of experience and a tenth album, it is unsurprising to hear the lead singer announce that he feels they are hitting a great creative groove. This Friday, these ‘Space Rockers’ will take to the stage in the dark and grungy venue of Arena. the venue suits both their darker undertones and their ability to connect with the crowd. [fve][/fve] Recommended if you like: electro pop rock, musicians that know their shit, grungy locations, bearded men, wearing t-shirts that you could use a sail if you had to,  partying in intimate locations that are so intimate you’re wearing other people’s sweat, electro grunge, leather jackets [totop]



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