The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

FM4 Indiekiste mit Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats

American folk and retro sounds at WUK

FM4 Indiekiste mit Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats

When: TUE, July 17, 7pm–11pm Where: WUK Entry: 29€, buy your ticket here This week at WUK, American folk sounds will await you with US musician Nathaniel Rateliff and his very versatile band, The Night Sweats. They’re known for their retro sounds that will make you dance and will shake things up. Sounds intriguing, right? Get a ticket for this Tuesday’s gig here. Check out one of their latest songs, here: [fve][/fve] Recommended if you like: checking out raw indie talent, the grungy, industrial setting of the WUK, singer/songwriter music, folk music, vintage vibes, collecting old records, nostalgia for a time you weren’t even born, music you can dance to, beards so long they tickle your kneecaps [totop] [tocat]]]>

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