The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Frauen im Klick – Talk & Musik: Mary Broadcast / Sibylle Kefer

A talk and live music at Café 7stern

Frauen im Klick – Talk & Musik: Mary Broadcast / Sibylle Kefer

When: FRI, March 8, 8pm–10pm Where: Cafe 7Stern Entry: 5€ In the event series, Frauen im Klick, created by local musician, Mary Broadcast, female musicians from Vienna will be invited to have a conversation and make music with her. The evenings take place in the cozy atmosphere of the Cafe 7 * Stern. This Friday, on International Women’s Day, the singer and musician Sibylle Kefer will be the first one to participate. Recommneded if you like: female empowerment, live music, a mothers day with a difference, thinking about human existence, shooting back poetry for inspiration [totop] [tocat]]]>

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