The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Freud & Taumel w/ Peter Kruder & Wolfram | HORST

Find some of the best Electro music in town at Horst this weekend

Freud & Taumel w/ Peter Kruder & Wolfram | HORST

When: FRI, March 22, 11pm–6am
Where: Horst
Entry: TBA, door sale only

If you’ve been on the hunt for the best Electronic music EVER (and we know you have been) then you just might find it this Friday at Horst. We won’t say you definitely WILL find it. But you might. And how can you resist checking it out in person? Get a preview, here:

Peter Kruder Boiler Room Vienna DJ Set

Recommended if you like: Electronic music, finding the best of the best, getting sweaty in a dark room full of strangers, music that comes from a computer, music so loud your ears ring for days, Peter Kruder, Horst

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