Austrian Alt-Rockers and their soothing melodies
Garish | Stadtsaal
When: FRI, October 4, 8pm–11pm Where: Stadtsaal Entry: From 22.50€, buy a ticket Austrian Alt-Rock band, Garish, make the kind of music perfect for a Sunday morning after your head is a little sore from one too many Sturms (so, just one) the night before. Along with their soothing melodic tones, it’s said that, despite their lyrics being all in German, the emotional style of their music is their ‘real language’. They’ve been nominated for the Austrian music award ‘Amadeus’ five times – go check them out to see why. Recommended if you like: nodding your head and tapping your foot enthusiastically to bands, INDIE ROCK, ALT-ROCK, supporting Austrian bands, musicians that know their shit, grungy locations, bearded men, wearing t-shirts that you could use as a sail if you had to [totop] [tocat]]]>Fri. 04th Oct