Drums and Prose at Cafe7stern
Gedankeninventur live@ Cafe7stern
When: SUN, May, 13, 8pm–10pm
Where: Cafe7Stern
Entry: Free/free donation
Exploring many themes this Sunday will be two ladies who want to be loud and be heard. In an experimental mix, they will be using drums and prose to explore the multifaceted effects of all the phobes (xenophobes, homophobes etc) that huamn’s feel. And because its Mother’s day, they shall also discuss what came first – the chicken or the egg… just because.
Recommneded if you like: politics on the side of your Sunday, using bongo drums to express your feelings, fighting the Phobes, a mothers day with a difference, thinking about human existence, shooting back poetry for inspiration
Sun. 13th May