The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Gemeinsam tanzen: Poco Poco und Pata Pata

Learn how to ‘Poco Poco’ at this free dance lesson

Gemeinsam tanzen: Poco Poco und Pata Pata

When: FRI, August 14, 4pm–5pm 
Where: Weltmuseum Wien
Entry: Free!

In front of the steps leading up to the Weltmuseum, there will be, not one, but two dance experiences awaiting you. In cooperation with the Weltmuseum Wien Friends and the Austrian Indonesian Society, you will be taughthow to dance the Poco Poco and Pata Pata. One is an Indonesian line dance and the other is a famous South African song we love to sing, even if we don’t know the lyrics. The dance occasion is free, and everyone is free to 1-2-step in!

Recommended if you like: shaking your hips, dreaming of exotic places and then traveling to them, your beloved boom box, new adventures, sports, international cuisine, stories from afar


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