The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Get Fesch at Fesch'markt Wien #20

Explore this kick-ass indie design festival

Get Fesch at Fesch’markt Wien #20

When: FRI—SUN, August 21–23, 15–16 | FRI: 2pm–10am | SAT & SUN: 11am–10pm Where: Ottakringer Brauerei Entry: 5€, 8€ 3-day-ticket It’s the indie creative designer’s scenes time to shine this August again as the city’s big-ass designer market sets up shop in the industrial setting of the Ottakringer Brauerei. Over 200 stands will have a cute seller behind it, dealing with all kinds of crazy cool design stuff, from fashion to jewellery to artisan food products. And the cluster of food trucks will be parked out front like always. Recommended if you like: indie design, being one of a kind, hipster beards, sleeve tattoos, buying local, getting inspired, wearing pants made by hand, having a collection of sunglasses that requires its own wardrobe




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