The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Ginger Wiesen

Get wasted while looking super sexy in traditional clothing

Ginger Wiesen

When: September 18 – October 3, 6pm–12am
Where: VIEiPEE
Entry: free! Only a numbered amount of people allowed, make sure to make a reservation

It’s time to display your sexy butt in your Lederhosn (and impress everyone around you with it) – from this Friday, every Wednesday to Saturday up until October 3, the so-called ‘Ginger Wiesen’ will be happening at VIEiPEE. But don’t think it’s just another random Oktoberfest – oh, no, no! You’ll get to drink your beers and schnapps while getting your fix of Hip Hop, Trap and RnB!

There are also cool extras waiting for you, such as a Mario Kart corner, board game rental and a free shot of schnapps if you show up in Lederhosn, or Dirndl! 

Recommended if you like: using traditional clothes as an excuse to show off your super sexy body, going to an Oktoberfest without having to listen to shitty music, Hip Hop, Trap, looking like you’re playing with an invisible basketball when you’re dancing, drinking your friends under the table, impressing your date with downing a beer

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