The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

GOLD – Poetry Slam Show mit Laurin Buser & Fatima Moumouni

Don’t miss out on this pop–up poetry slam duo

GOLD – Poetry Slam Show mit Laurin Buser & Fatima Moumouni

When: THU, October 31, 8pm–10.30pm
Where: Spektakel
Entry: 15€ (reduced 10€), buy a ticket

The talented German-speaking poetry duo, Fatima Moumouni und Laurin Buser will be doing their thing in Spektakel this Thursday. The theme of their poetry will be: what’s really precious and valuable? The duo has not only won several awards, but also hundreds of hearts in the audience. Who’s in?

Recommended if you like: poetry slams, Spektakel, anything but Halloween, reading, being inspired, talented people, live performances, the written word

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