The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Gürtel Nightwalk XX

A night of partying along the city’s Gürtel

Gürtel Nightwalk XX

When: SAT, August 26
Where: Various locations along the Gürtel. Check out the list, here.

We’ve all had those messy nights below the neon lights of the bars located along the Gürtel, and there’s a festival that will encourage more of that close to the end of this month – the Gürtel Nightwalk. If you haven’t done this before, than just imagine hopping from bar to bar, stage to open air stage, with a drink in hand, and plenty of music being pumped into your ears – it’s good wholesome fun. This year, 18 clubs and bars will be participating and there will be 4 open air stages with rockin’ live performances singing into the streets of Vienna. If you’re home before 4am without a horrible pain in your stomach from that Käsekrainer you downed just before calling it a night, you haven’t done the night justice. Check out the program, here.

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