Celebrate Halloween without dressing up…but instead with a band
Halloween im Chelsea mit The Clashinistas & Children In Heät
When: WED, October 31, 8pm–4am Where: Chelsea Entry: 7€/10€ If you’re not in the mood for a typical Halloween party that requires a costume, pay a visit to grungy live music joint, Chelsea, this Wednesday. The Clashinstas will perform songs from The Clash, while the Punk band, Children in Heät, will be doing covers from the Misfits. Recommended if you like: celebrating a different kind of Halloween, Halloween parties where you don’t need to dress up, Punk music, getting dressed up and standing out, beer and cigarettes, dressing as a carrot to every party that requires dressing up, the rough and ready type [totop] [tocat]]]>Wed. 31st Oct