The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Hear Me Roar – Hear My Birth

Spend an evening listening to a special kind of trio

Hear Me Roar – Hear My Birth

When: SAT, March 7, 8pm–10:30pm
Where: Spektakel
Entry: 20€, buy a ticket

The Hear Me Roar festival is launched at the Spektakel on Saturday! The act of the evening will be the trio called Vaginas im Dirndl. Now that’s what we call a cool name for a trio! They make music, sing and even yodel! In addition, their show is all about female sexuality. Titillating. This evening will definitely be one of a kind! 

Recommended if you like: yodeling, songs about sexuality, finding out more about the female population of the world, feminism, talking about taboo topics (especially when it doesn’t make any sense that they are taboo), getting to enjoy a show that’s one of a kind

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