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Hedy Lamarr – Ihre Filme | Retrospektive

Find out more about an actress and inventor of the last century 

Hedy Lamarr – Ihre Filme | Retrospektive

When: December 12 – January 7, 6pm–11pm (on December 12 from 7pm–10pm) Where: Metro Kinokulturhaus Entry: 8.50€, check out discounted tickets prices From December 12th until January 7th, the Metro Kinokulturhaus will be dedicating their evenings to Hedy Lamarr and films with and about her. Hedy Lamarr was a world-famous Austrian-American actress who found time to be a not-insignificant inventor as well, coming up with a way of jamming radio signals in the second world war. Pretty badass. Recommended if you like: niche cinemas, cultural education, finding out more about things from the past, inventors, wi–fi and bluetooth and are curious about who was one of the forerunners for it, history [totop] [tocat]]]>

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