The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Herr Dunkelbunt & Wladigeroff Brothers – Wohnzimmerkonzert #2

A chilled musical evening in a relaxed atmosphere

Herr Dunkelbunt & Wladigeroff Brothers – Wohnzimmerkonzert #2

When: SUN, February 23, 4pm–8pm Where: Darwingasse 3, 1020 Entry: 25€, get a ticket This concert is all about good music in a living-room-like setting. The main performers, the Wladigeroff brothers, are twins from Bulgaria who play a mix of Jazz, Balkan and Folk music. Also performing will be Haider Khan from Rajasthan, a singer and Tabla player (that’s an Indian percussion instrument – we googled it for you so you don’t have to), vocalist Barbara Tavernier and the initiator himself, DJ and producer, Ulf Lindemann aka Dunkelbunt. Recommended if you like: live music, concerts in a relaxed setting, music from all corners of the world, feeling right at home at the concert location, feeling too much at home and taking your clothes off (not recommended) [totop] [tocat]]]>

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