The groundbreaking documentary on the refugee crisis by Weiwei
Human Flow von Ai Weiwei – Special Screening im Filmcasino
When: SUN, January 28, 1pm–4pm
Where: Filmcasino
Entry: 10, 72€ (available here)
We are all aware of the refugee crisis of our time, and what AI Weiwei does here is put it in a powerful film, which has one realise exactly how massive this crisis is. In the documentary being screened on Sunday, they visit 23 countries and talk to a people about the trials and tribulations these people are facing.
Recommended if you like: films with a punch, reading classics, Brother Grimm fairy tales, red velvet seats, rebels with a cause, Ai WeiWei, refugees welcome movement, being involved in humanity’s history
Sun. 28th Jan
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