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»Igor Kovac: On The Road / Sulla Strada / Unterwegs

Photography exhibition opening, with the artist in attendance

»Igor Kovac: On The Road / Sulla Strada / Unterwegs

When: WED, April 4, 7pm–10pm, ongoing until May 3
Where: Kunstraum Nestroyhof
Entry: free!

The Slovakian self-educated photographer, Igor Kovac, likes taking pictures on the road. And that’s also the name of his exhibition happening at Kunstraum Nestroyhof, On the Road. In this exhibition, you’ll get to see snapshots of situations in which the people portrayed are usually unaware of the photographer. Take a look at some of the artist’s work, here. This Wednesday will be the opening event, but you’ll have time until May 3 to go see the exhibition.

Recommended if you like: reading philosophy books instead of magazines, exploring photography, practicing your pensive face in front of the mirror, getting inspired by art, art mingling, getting all philosophical over a cup of coffee

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