Hear pitches for new Start-ups that want to make a difference
IMPACT Pitching Finals
When: THU, February 21, 6:30pm–10pm
Where: Expat Center of the Vienna Business Agency
Entry: sold out
It’s time for the Start-Ups finals! For those of you who haven’t been following along, there has been a competition for people to pitch the Start-up company idea which they think will make the most positive impact on the world. And now they’re down to FIVE. Go hear the new ideas and see who wins a chance to start their company and start making a difference. (Side note: this event is sold out, but we challenge you to get motivated to find a ticket online or beg one off a friend.)
Recommended if you like: hearing new ideas, a good old fashioned competition, watching people fight to the very end…figuratively speaking, Start-up ideas that can make a difference in the world, getting excited about which company will win, people who are eager to make an impact
Thu. 21st Feb
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