Jazz meets Christmas!
Jazzrausch Bigband • Still! Still! Still! • Porgy & Bess
When: THU, December 26, 8:30pm–11pm Where: Porgy & Bess Entry: 25€, get a ticket This Thursday only, Jazzrausch Bigband and the Folks from Porgy & Bess are organizing a pretty neat Christmas concert. Not only that, but it’ll be their album release show as well! If you decide to go, you’ll be rewarded with an awesome rich BigBand sound, in combination with 12 of the most famous German Christmas songs. A raucous way to end this year’s Christmas holidays. Recommended if you like: Big Band music, Christmas concerts, concerts in general, Jazz, dedicating your life to music, seriously talented musicians performing live, Porgy & Bess [totop] [tocat]]]>Thu. 26th Dec