10 Jazzy peeps, get 10 Jazzy mins on stage
JazzWerkstatt Wien Festival 2018 “before we die”
When: SAT, September 15, 8:30pm–11pm Where: Blue Tomato Entry: 15€ Day two of this city-wide and month long festival will see the Blue Tomato organising what could be a very ambitious evening. With 10 Jazz acts each getting 10 minutes on stage this Saturday, you are definitely getting your bang for your buck. In our head, we are hoping it will be done in a comedy, speed dating style, but this may be wishful thinking on our part. [fve]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWhIVsT_adM[/fve] Recommended if you like: Jazz, getting value for your hard earned cash, city-wide festivals, wearing a smoking jacket and a cravat, smoking a pipe or generally just carrying one around to look sophisticated without actually smoking one, stroking your moustache or someone elses, whispering into people’s ears in quiet crowds, ‘I’m Batman’ [totop] [tocat]]]>Sat. 15th Sep