The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Jedleseer Kirtag 2020

Spend a day at this Straßenfest

Jedleseer Kirtag 2020

When: FRI–SUN, September 11–13, 12am–9pm
Where: Lorettowiese
Entry: free!

Visiting a so called “Straßenfest” is always a great way to enjoy a sunny summer day. This ones another Kirtag, which is an old school kind of street festival. An alley full of food stands on the sides, music playing and random people showing off magic tricks, or other performances. It’s an intimate neighbourhood, family kind of affair.

Recommended if you like: Straßenfeste, eating as much as you can spend, getting drunk by midday, realising this is not the place and the time to get drunk

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