Fire up the stove and these streams and get cooking
Join in on one of these cooking workshop live streams
When: varying, check the exact dates on IG or FB
Where: your apartment
Entry: free!
Have you tried cooking every variation of pasta there is during this lockdown? Do you want to impress your friends with some exquisite meals when you can finally have them over again? Or are you simply spending way too much money on food delivery? Whatever the reason, now is a good time to expand your culinary skills by watching some local chefs do their thing in live streams. Here are some of the cooking mentors you can check out:
Paul Ivic
Thomas Dorfer
Restaurant-Hotel Oberauer
Karma Food
Recommended if you like: watching cooking shows on TV, trying to become a master chef, Gordon Ramsay, Ratatouille (the film and the dish), wearing a ‘Kiss the cook’ apron, eating loads of garlic because you’re still used to the home isolation thing
Fri. 01st May — Sun. 31st May