Watch this WWII satire movie about a boy in Hitler’s army
Jojo Rabbit
When: MON, July 27, 9pm–11pm
Where: Kino am Dach
Entry: 10€ (9€ students), buy a ticket
This World War II satire movie at the Kino am Dach might have you wondering if it’s ok to laugh at such things, but you’ll have to see for yourself how the whole shabang turns out in the end. All we know is that there’s a little boy who reeeeally loves Hitler, but discovers that his mother is hiding a young Jewish girl in their attic.
Recommended if you like: satire movies, not knowing when to laugh, hoping for an acceptable ending, Scarlett Johansson, movies with funny kid actors, sitting on a roof watching a movie, laughing with your hand in front of your mouth
Mon. 27th Jul
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