The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Julia Anna & Klangblut Doppelkonzert

Catch two powerful voices from Austria at this concert

Julia Anna & Klangblut Doppelkonzert

When: MON, August 17, 8pm–10:30pm
Where: Café Carina
Entry: Donations are welcome!

This Monday at Café Carina, you can hear the beautiful songs and voices from the Austrian musicians, Julia Anna and Klangblut, in the form of a double concert. The two singers are bursting with energy and passion for their craft, and will serve up a mix of Austro-Pop and German Acoustic-Pop that’ll make you cry and laugh at the same time. What a great wind down activity after a Monday, right?

Recommended if you like: supporting Austrian musicians, holding back some tears, diving into some emotional music, crying and laughing at the same time, checking out some music from the home turf, having a chill Monday night

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