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Juniper Tree (Björk) Österreich Premiere im Filmcasino

See the Austrian premier of this film starring Björk

Juniper Tree (Björk) Österreich Premiere im Filmcasino

When: TUE, May 7, 8:30pm – 11:30pm
Where: Filmcasino
Entry: 9€, check all prices, here

Did you know Björk is an actress as well as a musician? There’s a lot about Björk you might not know. She’s very mysterious. Go see this dramatic film in its Austrian debut and enjoy a young Björk onscreen.

Recommended if you like: seeing films you’ve never heard of much less seen, discovering the cinematic work of Björk who, it turns out, is an actress as well as a musician, going to see a film you probably won’t have another chance to see, Filmcasino

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