The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Kabarett Separee

Spend your Monday evening laughing

Kabarett Separee

When: every Monday in March,  7:30pm–9:30pm
Where: Arena Bar 
Entry: 12€, buy a ticket

This cabaret is more than just a guy or lady talking on and on for a minimum of an hour and a half. There are 6 people in this show, each of whom get 10–15 minutes, so things won’t even have the chance to get boring! Each week, the performers will be replaced, which means every show will be one of a kind. Check the Facebook event to know who’s on each day. Are you up for a hilarious evening? 

Recommended if you like: laughing (duh!), getting to listen to people with different types of humour, secretly writing down jokes to use in your daily life, getting into an argument with your +1 about which comedian was the best, being properly entertained

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