Something for the lovers of all-things-ceramic
Keramik & Porzellan im Augarten
When: FRI–SUN, September 22–24, 10am–6pm Where: Wiener Porzellanmanufaktur Augarten Entry: Adults: €6, students: €4, children up to 12 years: free! This weekend, Vienna’s oldest baroque park, the Augarten, is hosting an event for lovers and collectors of contemporary ceramic art. You can turn up to check out what the big deal is (ceramic isn’t just those dog salt and pepper shakers your grandparents had – it is a biiiig deal!), buy a piece or 2, or learn more about the production and history of porcelain by the experts of the Viennese Porcelain Manufactory Augarten. Recommended if you like: ceramics, porcelain, collecting porcelain dolls, things delicate, traveling to different countries and insisting on buying porcelain souvenirs in all of them, discovering new hobbies, drinking your coffee out of art[totop]
]]>Fri. 22nd Sep — Sun. 24th Sep