The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Komm, süßer Tod | Open Air Augartenspitz

Watch this hilariously morbid ultra-Austrian crime film

Komm, süßer Tod | Open Air Augartenspitz

When: FRI, July 24, 4pm–1am Where: Augartenspitz Entry: 8.50€ (7.50€ students), reserve via This ultra-Austrian crime movie screening at the Augartenspitz will have you laughing in one moment and choking on your popcorn in the next (figuratively, of course). This ultra-Austrian ex-policeman turned paramedic is practically bored in his new job compared to his old one, until some suspicious dead bodies turn up and reactivate his detective senses. Recommended if you like: wondering who did it the whole time, biting your nails because the plot is thickening, Viennese humor, morbidly hilarious jokes, watching Austrian movies, going through all stages of suspense, not knowing when to laugh [totop] [tocat]]]>

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