The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Kräuterwanderung Wien: Frauen- & Männer-Kräuter

Workshop: Learn how to live off the land

Kräuterwanderung Wien: Frauen- & Männer-Kräuter

When: SAT, July 21, 10am–12pm Where: Luftschloss Cobenzl Entry: 25€ (register here) This week on the herb walk (not that kind of ‘erb), Dr Ricci will talk you through all the regional herbs.  On the tour, she will teach you how to recognise wild herbs that you can use in recipes and as natural remedies, when to pick them, and what you can use them for – you know – just in case the zombie apocalypse happens and we all have to go rogue and live off the fat of the land. Recommended if you like: herbs, ‘erbs, being totally prepared for the zombie apocalypse, living off the fat of the land, reconnecting with your inner hunter gatherer, tours that even locals should do, saving money through foraging [totop] [tocat]]]>

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