The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Kultursommer 2020


Enjoy Vienna’s diverse culture and arts at this summer-long culture festival!

Kultursommer 2020

When: every THU–SUN, July 9–end of August, check program for times
Where: various locations in Vienna, check event for info
Entry: Free!, register via website

Vienna robust arts and culture scene will be on display as part of the city-wide festival, Kultursommer. They’ve got a diverse (and huge) program and all of it is totally Corona-appropriate. There’s something to see for all – even a garden concert in front of retirement homes for all the Omas and Opas living there! We love this concept! Check out the program if you’re a culture vulture and you know what’s good for you.

Recommended if you like: being entertained while being Covid-safe, going to events with your family, supporting artists during these tough times, enjoying the fact that cultural events are finally back, seeing anything from readings, concerts and dance classes, being there for the arts, how you look when you’re doing your deep-in-thought facial expression

image © JAMJAM

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